When we became a MAEOE Green Center we were able to expand our impact on schools in several areas. We provided instructional assistance and expertise, opportunities to get kids outside and empowered students to take on projects to make their schools greener. As a result, teachers felt more comfortable engaging students and instruction became more diverse.
Dave Honchalk
former Director of Lathrop E. Smith
Environmental Education Center
Green Centers
Mobilize Frederick serves as Frederick County’s unofficial Green Center. We support schools, educators, and students on their paths to becoming certified Maryland Green Schools and connect Green Leaders with participating schools.
Does your organization work with students regularly, provide environmental education, and practice sustainability? If so, consider becoming Frederick County’s first official Green Center.
Green Centers are often local parks and nature centers, non-profits with an environmental education mission — such as wildlife sanctuaries, farms and museums — and departments within school systems that serve to promote sustainable education practices.