I’m inspired by how receptive our young people are at creating an environmentally friendly school community. When I see them working together, I realize that they are going to be the agent for change.
Melissa Hargreaves
retired teacher
Myersville Elementary School
Mobilize Frederick Education Group
Environmental education is key as we develop and implement solutions for our growing county and changing climate.
To implement Recommendation 37 from the Climate Response and Resilience Report, our Education Group mobilizes resources to build climate-resilient school communities and to support certification of all Frederick County schools as Maryland Green Schools, a program administered by the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE).
Through education and action, Maryland Green Schools reduce environmental impact, encourage sustainability and foster environmental literacy.
We partner with MAEOE, Frederick County Public Schools, private schools, local government, parks, non-profits, businesses, and individuals to provide opportunities for students to learn about and experience the natural world. Understanding the interrelationships of our planet’s systems, how people impact them, and the solutions available to minimize those impacts prepare students to make environmentally sound decisions.
Discover the efforts underway at our local Green Schools, the benefits of outdoor, hands-on learning, and how you can empower students. Or, use our Simply Sustainable toolkits at home or in your community to improve our shared environment and prepare for the future.
This website is funded in part by grants from the Delaplaine Foundation, Inc. and a Community Partnership Grant from Frederick County Government.
City Nature Challenge
Our team will coordinate Frederick County's participation in this international bioblitz that occurs from April 25-28.
Everyone is invited to join this community science event!
More information coming soon!
Nurturing Nature: One Stage at a Time
A compilation of our group's guest posts during Mobilize Frederick's Education Month that feature the power of nature and children's developmental stages. Plus, information about our team. Click here to view!